Reminders for Incoming Travellers to SA

Filipinos who are arriving or returning to South Africa are reminded to strictly abide by the country’s regulations, especially on the importation of prohibited or restricted items. 
Prohibited Goods
       Narcotic and habit-forming drugs in any form
       Fully automatic, military and unnumbered weapons
       Explosives and fireworks
       Poison and other toxic substances
       Cigarettes with a mass of more than 2kg per 1 000
       Goods to which a trade description or trademark is applied in contravention of any Act (for example, counterfeit goods)
       Unlawful reproductions of any works subject to copyright
       Penitentiary or prison-made goods
Restricted Goods
Certain goods may only be imported if you are in possession of approval from relevant authority. Such goods on approval will require permit, letter of authority etc. such as 
       Firearms / Weapons
       Gold coins
       Excess currency (cash, banknotes etc.)
       Unprocessed minerals (e.g. gold, diamonds, etc.)
       Animals, plants and their products (e.g. animal skins, dairy products, honey)
       Medicine (excluding sufficient quantities for three months for own personal treatment accompanied by a letter or certified prescription from a registered physician)
       Herbal products (Department of Health permit required)
For more information, check the South African Revenue Service link