Consular Outreach Mauritius July 2023


Services Available:
-Passport Services (New, Renewal, Lost/Damaged)
-Continuing Registration for Overseas Voters for the 2025 National Elections
IMPORTANT: There will be no services related to Civil Registration (Report of Birth, Marriage, Death), Authentication/ Notarial Services, etc. at the outreach on July 29.
If you wish to avail of these services, please do so through the Honorary Consulate during its regular office hours.
First time minor passport applicants must have their Reports of Birth before availing of passport services at the outreach.
Newly married applicants who wish to apply for a passport using their married surname must have their Reports of Marriage before availing of passport services.
To avail of Passport and/or Overseas Voters Registration services at the outreach, please click the Google Form link:
or scan the QR code below.
You can also submit applications by WhatsApp +27768771350 or by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thank you and see you there!